50 Plus 10: Horror Movie Survival Tips

And if you enjoy the reviews, you might just enjoy my book: Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

They Came From Beyond Space

What do you get when you mix Britain, Aliens, and A Bodyslam Through a Table? Well...mostly this.

The last of the reviews I have currently done. I'm currently working on new ones that I hope to upload soon.

ETPD: End of the World

I've seen some bad movies in my days...this is perhaps the very worst.

Blah Blah Blog: I think I'm getting the hang of this...

So, I've been wanting to start a blog for some time. I recently started the ETPD reviews and hope this will be a good place to display them along with other videos I work on.

Why am I making this post? I don't know. Just felt like it I suppose. Hope you enjoy the blog and videos.

Don't be surprised to see things like recaps of sports or movies I've watched as I really would like to do as much as possible.

Have a nice day.

The Bat

Vincent Price, $1 Million in Stolen Money, and a Murder Mystery!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Horror Express

This 1970s Horror film includes the famous duo of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing along with a small role by Telly Savalas.

My pilot episode that I did on my old computer (which I had for over 5 years). Because of that video and audio glitched a bit on me and until I get the time to fix that, I will not put it on my Blip.Tv account. Still...since I like to reference the daggone thing, I should definitely include it.

Hope you enjoy.


To Entering the Public Domain, where you can find movies to enjoy or mock for the low-low price of downloading time.

My mission with my videos and blogs will be to bring to light some of the more entertaining (or painful) movies available for free thanks to our wonderful Copyright Laws.

Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoy.

So, until next time, Be Free!