50 Plus 10: Horror Movie Survival Tips

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

DC Reviews: Hardwired

Val Kilmer. Cuba Gooding Jr. A Sci-Fi Action Flick based around...uh...evil capitalism. Is it any good? The answer may surprise you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Non-DTV Movie Night

So, over the last weekends I've actually managed to watch some regular, theater shown movies that are now on DVD. So, I figured I'd take a brief moment and give some opinions on them, trying to not spoil anything.

~ Adrian Brody playing the gruff sounding tough guy is unique to see but he pulls it off well.
~ Topher Grace and Walter Goggins's characters respectively shared the "Most Annoying Character" role.
~ Have to mention that Danny Trejo is here. He is what he is.
~ Enjoyed the look of the Predators.
~ The movie is really top heavy with it's profanity, the majority seeming to occur within the first 15 minutes.

In all, it's a time filling movie that has no real staying power. Kind of like Predator 2, but without Danny Glover being hardcore.

~ I will never understand how the whole "stepping out of a moving vehicle while calmly pulling a gun" scene works...but it was cool.
~ John Malkovich is thirty-six different kinds of crazy in this movie. He reminds me of Burt Gummer from Tremors
~ John Malkovich is also the best thing about this movie.
~ Some stuff does fall flat.
~ I felt sorry for the Secret Service guys.

A goofy action comedy that pulls no punches in regards to gunning no-name lackeys down. It was okay at best to me until Malkovich appeared. His performance makes the movie a suggested viewing from me. "I'm getting the pig!"

And finally...

The A-Team
~ Quintin "Rampage" Jackson does a really good job despite being surrounded by much better actors.
~ Crazy action scenes.
~ Didn't really buy the villains...not sure if I was supposed to.
~ I think more people die in this movie than ever did on the actual show.
~ The after-the-credits scenes are fun.
~ I think I'm easy to entertain as long as you have a funny, crazy guy. Murdoch is good here.

If you take the time to think about things going on, you can pick them apart...but why would you? This is a mindlessly fun flick. I enjoyed watching it.

So...yeah...I liked all three. This was fun, huh?

Monday, February 14, 2011

DC Reviews: Circle

Horror movie about a serial killer with an obsession for numbers escaping and returning home to find a batch of students studying his ;surroundings. Will it turn in a surprisingly good movie or leave me as frustrated as other films?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DC Reviews: Ticking Clock

Cuba Gooding Jr's latest movie where-in his character makes choices that confuse the viewers, much like how Cuba has made career decisions that confuse his fans.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DC Reviews: Alone in the Dark 2

Uwe Boll's ridiculed films are getting direct to DVD sequels. Are they any good? No. Not at all.