Day 10: One Missed Call (US Remake)
No, I've never seen the original. However, I wouldn't be surprised if...well...we can't act without knowledge, so let's get to the review.
A mash-up of Final Destination and The Ring, One Missed Call has people receive future voicemails revealing the last words they'll say before being murdered...or whatever it is that happens. This is counteractive at points as one person is attacked by a mysterious hand while another has a freak accident hit them with a flying object.
Most attempts to create tension are influenced by CGI shocks, including one especially laughable one including a texting baby demon looking thing-y that didn't emit terror as much as confusion and startled chuckle.
Main character wise, the film is okay. The main girl is a decent character and decently acted, but it's definitely not a big deal as she's not very memorable. Backing her up is our main male who is a detective who detects and sticks around for background information, mostly. He's as bland.
Grade: D+. There are occasional good jumps and the story moves along decent enough. It has it's plan and lays it's just not very exciting or, worst of all, scary.
No spoilers because the twist is kind of "there." So here's an e-book plug instead:
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