Day 5: All The Boys Love Mandy Lane
An odd little slasher film that originated in the UK until somehow stumbling into the United States where a copy somehow found it's way loaned to me in a pile of DVDs from a friend.
It follows, uniquely enough, Mandy Lane, a formerly 'ugly' girl who has apparently gotten pretty over a summer to the delight of the male student's eyes. Since she has went from Ugly Duckling to Big Breasted Swan it becomes every male "player"s personal mission to strike first. After her less-cool best friend has a falling out with her, Mandy agrees to go on a weekend outing to a ranch where the three guys going are prepared to use all of their moves...despite the fact that there are two other girls there.
But...then they start dying. Studies show that concern about being gutted is a very good way to stop thinking about sex.
Anyway, review.
This was a mish-mash film that missed more than it hit for me. You know what you're getting into when the very first thing you see is a close-up on the tight-bloused amble bosom of the title character as she struts down a random hallway in school, people of both sexes stopping and staring in awe. In fact, the first act of the movie is just building how much of a crush everyone has on this girl who apparently got pretty very quickly (and without the help of a surgeon).
She accepts the invitation mentioned earlier and our other five characters go about establishing themselves as cliches and stereotypes. We're also introduced to the Ranch Hand who is responsible for watching over the kids. You can tell he's trustworthy because he had a mental breakdown in the war. What war? I'm sure they mentioned it, but shush.
The film eventually devolves into a typical slasher and sputters to an end that caused me to sigh deeply in disappointment.
I enjoyed how the film began, building the allure of Mandy Lane, but the further the film went on, the more and more it became a cliche, padded film. I lost interest as the film went on and the eventual "twist" at the end could be seen from approximately three and half miles away on a clear day. I might recommend it, but not for much more than a rental on a night you can't think of much else to watch.
With that said, let's get to the self-plug.
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I'm cutting straight to the ending, so consider this a double warning in regards to it.
Again...the ending is right after this line.
You may guess from the way she acts or the fact that the movie is named after her, but Mandy Lane is part of the killing. Shocking right? The Less-Cool Friend of hers is doing the dirty work as part of a plan with her, ending with a double suicide. Sadly, she decides to change that plan and kills him, being declared a hero by the only other survivor for doing so. Such a blah ending.
Thanks for reading.
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